Bachelor in Social Work

With the Bachelor in Social Work (BSW) trained and qualified specialists in the field of social work are to be produced, who convey socially relevant knowledge, meaningfulness and diverse possibilities to the students. The program BSW encompasses a wide range of theoretical concepts and practical skills. The curriculum of this program prepares graduates to apply a collaborative helping process at various levels, ranging from individuals to communities.

BSW is a 3 year Undergraduate level Degree with semester System of 90 Credit hours. Topics related to human rights, gender, children’s right and juvenile justice are the curriculum covered in BSW Program. To successfully complete this program, student must take subjects as Social Practice and Skills Lab, Academic English, Human Growth and Behavior, Social Case Work, Sociology, History and Philosophy, Introduction to Nepalese Society, Psychiatry, Neighborhood Camp, Community Organization and Social Action.

The main objective of Bachelor of Social Work(BSW) Degree are

To provide student with basic knowledge required for understanding others behavior.
To make them realize their reponsibility toward the community.

Eligibility Criteria

Students wishing to earn this degree must graduate +2 in any faculty/ Board/ University movement.
Passing the 12th Grade in any discipline (Natural Science/ Administration/ Humanities)

Fee Structure

Fee Structure for total Course (NRs.) 5 to 6 Lakh.


First Semester

HPS 112: History and Philosophy of social work
SSW 113: Sociology for social work
SCG 113: Social Case Work and Group work-1
HGB 113: Human Growth and Behavior
ACE 112: Academic English
SWP 112: Social work field practicum and skills lab

Second Semester

INS 123: Introduction to Nepali Society
SCG 123: Social Case work and Group work-II
PSW 123: Psychiatric Social Work
ACE 122: Academic English
NHC 121: Neighborhood camp
SWP 123: Social work field practicum and skill lab

Third Semester

COM 233: Community Organization
SWA 233: Social Policy and welfare Administration
SOA 233: Social Action
CHR 232: Child right
NEP 233: Nepali
SWP 233 : Social work field practicum and skill lab

Fourth Semester

SWR 243: Social Work Research
RUD 243: Rural And Urban Community Development
FSW 242: Family and Social Work
DEC 242: Development communication
RUC 242: Rural Camp
SWP 243: Social work field practicum and skill lab.

Fifth Semester

SOD 352: Social Development
MVO 352: Management of Voluntary Organisation
LSW 352: Law and Social Work
IGS 352: Introduction to Gender Studies
UCS 352: Urban Camp/Study tour
SWP 353: Social work field practicum and skill lab.

Sixth Semester

SWI 362: Social work in Industry
JJS 362: Juvenile Justice
RDS 366: Research Dissertation & Seminar
BFW 363: Block Field Work
SWP 362: Social work field practicum and skill lab

Scope and Career Prospects

Job Prospects:

An individual with this degree can work as:

Primary care graduate mental health worker
High intensity therapist
Family support worker
Volunteer coordinator
Community development worker
Charity officer

BSW College in Kathmandu PU Kathmandu Purwanchal University (PU)

Kadambari Memorial College of Science and Management

Kadambari Memorial College of Science and Management established at 2005 located at Sankhamul, Kathmandu. It is Affiliated with Purwanchal University (PU). Academic Courses : The academic courses offered at Kadambari memorial college of science and management are listed below : Bachelor of Social Work Bachelor of Arts of Social Work Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) […]